Take That have broken up just moments after their best ever relaunch. Having just lured Robbie Williams from public career suicide following his artistic direction, Gary Barlow has decided he wants the 1996 Smash Hits 'Funniest Person in the World' award winner all to himself. For now at least.
2010's Lennon and Mccartney have set aside their differences and given us Shame; Brokeback Mountain the Musical. The chorus is unmistakably Take That, with the verses having a little more than a nod to the late Beatles sound. Robbie's clearly Lennon in this partnership, the song's focus on him, with Gary taking a back seat. That seat may as well not be there to be honest though, judging Gary on his characterless tones.
Think of this as Robbie Williams cashing in on reuniting with Take That - a simple money making exercise with cheesy lyrics and a homoerotic video (has 1992 release Do What You Like grown up?) that leaves you with an overall happy feeling that at last everything is right in the world again